CHAP. 254.
the duty of the justice taking the said appeal bond, imme-
diately to lodge the same with the clerk of the county court
of his county, that suitor suits may be brought by the
Attorney General or his deputies, in case of a forfeiture of
the same for the use of the state, which suit or suits may
be prosecuted, on a certified copy thereof, under the hand
and seal of the said clerk, in any of the courts of this
Sell the boat, &c
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That if within ten days from
the rendition of the judgment, no appeal bond is accepted
by the justice of the peace, to arrest further proceedings on
the said judgment, it shall be the duty of the sheriff, after
having given ten days notice by public advertisement, to
sell to the best advantage for cash, for the benefit of the
state, the boat or vessel in his possession, together with
the papers, furniture, tackel and apparel, and if necessary,
to make said sale by notice, in the city of Baltimore, or
elsewhere, and he is hereby directed to account with the
treasurer of his shore, for the proceeds of such sale, in the
same manner he accounts for fines and forfeitures, and un-
Account on oath
der the same responsibility, stating an account on oath,
with the said treasurer, of all expences necessarily incurred
by him in the seizure, disposition, and sale of the said pro-
Pay treasurer
perty, and paying the balance that remains to the said
treasurer, upon which balance, the treasurer is authori-
sed to allow him a compensation of ten per centum, for his
trouble for conducting the said business, and the said trea-
surer is further authorised and required to pay over the
Who shall pay to
the school fund
at the county
then remaining balance to the commissioners of the school
fund, or to any other officers appointed by law, or hereafter
to be appointed, or to their order, to be by them paid over
in equal proportion [to the trustees of the common schools,
that may be in operation*] in the county, where the offen-
der shall be arrested and convicted, for the use of said
Posse authorised-
press steam boat
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That if resistance be appre-
hended by the sheriff, engaged in the execution of this
law, he shall summon to his aid, the posse comitatus of his
county, armed and equipped as the occasion may require,
and shall press into his service any Steamboat, not actual-
ly engaged in conveying the Public Mail, or other vessel
whatever, at the risk and expense of the state, and proceed
Resistance a misde-
therewith without delay, to perform his duty, and if resis-
tance be made to the sheriff by the boatmen of the boat, or
vessel, or others in seizing the same, taking such boatmen,
* These words in the original, but not in the engrossed bill— Printer.