such boat or vessel, shall be considered prima facia evi-
dence of guilt, and after a full investigation of the
CHAP. 254.
case, if the justice shall think the charge groundless, he
Shall immediately discharge the said boatmen, and restore
to them the boat or vessel seized by the sheriff, and all
If innocent
things belonging to her, but if he shall be of opinion, that
oysters have been taken and caught in contravention
If guilty
to this act, he shall impose fines not exceeding five dollars
on each of the boatmen engaged therein, and shall com-
mit them to the jail of the county, in the event of not pay-
ing their fines thus imposed, and the finding of the boat-
men shall be final as to them; and he shall judge and con-
Fine $5
demn as forfeited, the boat or vessel in possession of the
sheriff, together with her papers, furniture, tackel and ap-
parel, and all things on board of her at the time of her
seizure, and pronounce the same to be the property of the
Forfeit boat, &c
Sec. 3, And be it enacted, That if the boatmen of the
condemned boat or vessel or any of them, shall think him
or themselves aggrieved by such condemnation, he or they
Shall be at liberty to appeal from the judgment of the jus-
tice of the peace, at any time within ten days from the ren-
dition thereof, to the next county court of the county
wherein said judgment may have been rendered, the justi-
ces of which are hereby empowered and directed upon the
petition of the applicant or applicants, in a summary way,
Appeal Provided
and without any unnecessary delay, to hear thi allegations
and proofs in the case, and to affirm or reverse the justices'
judgment of condemnation, as to them may seem right,
and in case of affirmance, to adjudge to the state the costs
incured in defending the said appeal, and it shall be in
the election of the said appellant or appellants, to have a
decision of the appeal in a summary way by the justices,
or a trial by jury before the said county court.
Summary healing
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That proceedings on the
judgment of the justice of the peace, shall not be stayed
by any appeal, unless the appellant or appellants, within
ten days after the rendition of the judgment, shall en-
ter into an appeal bond to the state with two sufficient se-
curities, to be approved of by the said justice, in a penal
sum, of double the amount in value of the boat or vessel,
and property seized, to be estimated by the said justice,
conditioned to prosecute with effect, his or their appeal,
to the next county court of the county, where the proceed-
ings before the justice, shall have been had; and it shall be
Appeal bond requi-