CHAP. 22.
or persons as the court or judge aforesaid may name, to
make locations in the same manner as county surveyors ap-
pointed by the Governor and Council are empowered to
do, and to have the same legal effect, and the appoint-
ment so made shall be entered On the records amongst the
proceedings in the cause.
Appointments to
perform usual du-
ties of Surveyor
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That in all other cases which
may happen in said county, and when a county surveyor
would alone be competent to act, it shall and may be law-
ful upon application by writing or in person of a sheriff,
or any ether person interested, for any judge of the dis-
trict to appoint a surveyor for such purpose, whose acts
shall have all the legal effect as if the same were cone by
a county surveyor; Provided, the appointment as aforesaid
shall at any lime within twelve months, be lodged with the
clerk of the county, to be by him recorded in the land re-
cords of the same, and for which recording he shall be
Further proviso
paid the sum of twenty-five cents; and provided also, the
said person so to be appointed, shall before he proceed to
act under his appointment, first take an oath or affirmation,
to be administered by the court or judge making said ap-
pointment, faithfully to discharge his duty as survey or afore-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the surveyor appointed
as aforesaid, shall be paid according to the rate of fees as
fixed and established by law; Provided always, That this
act shall be considered as inoperative and of no effect,
whenever a county surveyor shall be in commission, and
acting within the said county.
Fund Feb. 3, 1834
An act authorising the Levy court of Frederick county, to
levy a sum of money to erect a Bridge over Toms' creek
near the Village of Emmitsburg,
Levy of $1200 au-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the Levy court of Frederick county, in
its sound discretion, be and it is hereby authorised to le-
vy a sum of money not exceeding twelve hundred dollars,
for the purpose of erecting a bridge over Toms creek, near
the village of Emmitsburg, in said county, on the main
road leading from Frederick to Emmitsburg.