I will not buy, trade or barter, or be concerned directly or
indirectly, in buying, trading or bartering, for any Plaister
of Paris, in the town of Bladensburg, whilst an Inspector
of the same. So help me God,
CHAP. 21.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
said Inspector, whenever required to do so, to inspect all
Plaister of Paris in the lump or stone, that shall be brought
to the Town of Bladensburg.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
every Inspector appointed in virtue of this act when re-
quire d to do so, to attend to the weighing of all such Plais-
ter of Paris, that shall be offered for sale in barrels, in the
Town of Bladensburg, which barrels shall be of the size
of the common flour barrel, well coopered, and shall not
contain less than three hundred and twenty pounds nett
Directions gives
Sec. 5. And be if enacted, That if any person or persons
in the Town of Bladensburg, shall sell, or offer for sale
any Plaister of Paris, unless the same shall have been in-
spected, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay for each and
every offence, the sum of five dollars for each and every
ton, so sold or offered for sale; and in proportion for any
less quantity, to be recovered before a justice of the peace,
one half for the use of the informer, the other half for the
use of the county.
Penalty for selling
without Inspec-
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the Inspector of Plais-
ter of Paris who shall be appointed in virtue of this act
shall be entitled to receive for each barrel inspected by
him three cents, which shall be paid to him by the person
or persons requiring him to inspect the same.
An act relating to Surveyor of Queen Anne's county.
Fused Feb. 3, 1834
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland.
That from and after the passage of this act, it shall and
may be lawful for Queen Anne's county court, or any one
of the judges, thereof, upon the application of either par-
ty, their attorney or solicitor, in any case now pending or
hereafter to be brought or instituted in said court, and
when locations may be necessary, to appoint such person
Authority to ap-
point a Surveyor
to make location