WHEREAS, it has been represented and shewn to the
Legislature of Maryland, that the late Peter Brengle, late
the Sheriff of Frederick county, did in his life time, by
Isaac Wilson, his deputy, in that behalf, in virtue of a fieri
facias, issued by a justice of tiie peace in and for Freder-
ick county aforesaid, and to the said sheriff directed, com-
manding him to make a sufficiency to satisfy the debt and
costs in said fieri facias mentioned, out of the goods, chat-
tels, lands and tenements of a certain Patrick Woods, sell
unto one Peter Wills, all the right, title, interest and estate
of the said Patrick Woods, of in and to a part of a tract
of land, situated in Frederick county, called "White De-
light," beginning for the said part so sold, at the end of the
third line of the said tract of land, and tunning thence
north, sixty degrees, west forty aud a half perches, thence
south, seventy eight degrees, west twenty nine perches,
south, thirty-one degrees, east twenty perches, south twen-
ty eight degrees, east twenty-two perches, thence by a
straight line to the beginning, containing eight acres and a
half acre of land; and further, that the purchase money
therefor has been paid to the said Isaac Wilson, deputy as
aforesaid; and further, that the said Peter Brengle hath
since departed this life without having made a deed cf con-
veyance to the said Peter Wills, of all the right, title, in-
terest and estate of the said Patrick Woods, of, in and to
the above described part of a tract of land aforesaid —