CHAP. 202.
Passed Mar. 12,1834
An act to allow Robert B. A. Tate, an additional sum for
extra services rendered by him as Clerk of the Levy court
of Queen Anne's county.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Levy Court of Queen Anne's county, be and they
are hereby authorised and directed to pay to Robert B. A.
Tate, out of any unappropriated money in their hands, or
which may be due in said county, the sum of one hundred
dollars, for extra services rendered by him as clerk of said
court, in the year eighteen hundred and thirty-three.
Passed Mar.12, 1834
An act to regulate the proceedings in Baltimore County
First week for
Criminal cases
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and afler the passage of this act the
first week of each and every term of Baltimore county
court, held for Baltimore county, and such further portions
of said term, as said court shall find it necessary so to as-
sign or occupy, shall be appropriated for the transaction of
criminal business of said court, at the end of which the cri-
minal business for the term shall close.
Term for civil cases
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the terms of said court
for the transaction of civil business shall hereafter com-
mence on the second Mondays of April and November, in
each and every year, instead of first Mondays of said months
as is now provided by law, to which days all civil pro-
cesses of said court for said county hereafter issued shall
be made returnable, and such as may before the passage of
this act have been issued and made returnable on the first
Monday in April next thereafter, shall stand over until the
second Monday of said month, and have the same force
and effect, as if the same had been made returnable on that