CHAP. 197.
A Supplement to the act entitled, an act for the establish
ment of Vestries for each Parish in this State.
Passed Mar 13,1834
WHEREAS, by the act to which this is a supplement, pas-
sed at November session, seventeen hundred and ninety-
eight, chapter twenty-four, the registers of Parishes are au-
thorised to give certifica'es of the entry of any birth, mar-
riage or burial entered in the register books of their re.
spective parishes, under the hand of such register, and with
the common seal of such vestry annexed thereto, which
shall be received in evidence in all courts of justice within
this state; AND WHEREAS, many of the vestries have neg-
lected to procure a common seal — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That wherever the vestry of any Parish has neglected to
procure a common seal, and until such common seal be pro-
cured, the register of such Parish is authorised to give a
certificate of the entry of any birth, marriage or burial en-
tered in the books of said vestry, under the hand of such
Ceitificate as evi-
register, which shall be received in evidence in all courts of
justice within this state; Provided nevertheless, the said cer-
tificate is accompanied with a certificate of the clerk of
the county court of the county in which said register re-
sides, under the seal of the said county court, that he knows
of his own knowledge, or that it hath been proven to his
satisfaction that the person subscribing himself as register
of such parish is in fact the register as stated, and that the
said certificate was subscribed by said register.
An act entitled an act, t elating to Officer's Fees, in Queen
Anne's County.
Passed Mar. 13, 1934
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, it
shall be the duty of the clerk to the Levy court of Queen
Anne's county, to make out a list of the several fees which
the civil officers, viz: the Clerk of the county, Register of
Wills, Sheriff, Coroners, Magistrates, Constablss,&c. of said
county are entitled by law to receive and give the said list
thesame publicity as is given to the levy list of said county.
Lists directed-pub-