CHAP. 187.
deem ntcessary to transact any business, or to perform any
duty which may become necessary or require attention
until the Convention of Delegates shall otherwise provide,
and the said Board shall, have power to fix a time and place
for the meeting of the Convention of Delegates, of which
the Board shall cause public notice to be given in two or
more of the daily newspapers, published in the city of Bal-
timore, at least two days before the day appointed for such
meeting; which power the Board may exercise from time
to time, subject to the regulation of the convention.
Power of the board
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the Convention of Del-
egates of the Baltimore United Fire Department, appoint-
ed by or in the manner authorised by this act when assent,
bled, a delegation or representation of a majority of the
five companies associated in virtue of this charter, .being
By lavs
present, shall have power to pass and enact all by-laws
which they shall deem necessary for the better regulation
of the Fire companies so associated during their operations
at fires, and for the redress of all grievances and settle-
Settle disputes
ments of all disputes between two or more of the said fire
companies, and to enforce obedience to the said by laws by
imposing fines, or in case of refusal to pay such fines, by
expelling the fire company so refusing from the association
and corporation authorised by this act; the said convention
shall also have power by subscription, periodical contribu-
Relating to funds
tion or other lawful means, to authorise and provide for
the creation of a fund, and the investment of the same,
from time to time in such manner as they shall deem most
beneficial safe and productive; the net proceeds of which
Application thereof
tfund shall be applicable to the benevolent purposes of af-
fording relief or assistance, comfort and support to the
members of fire companies in association with the said
United Fire Department, whose health or person shall have
sustained any injury in assisting at a fire or in performing
any duty as a fireman, and in giving support or relief to the
families of such members as shall be unfortunately depriv-
ed of life, or rendered incapable or less capable of labor-
ing for their support by attending to his duties as fireman,
Appoint officers
to appoint all such officers, agents and servants as shall be
deemed necessary to effect the said benevolent purposes;
and all other officers and agents which they shall consider
General powers
to be necessary or convenient for conducting the affairs and
transacting the business of the Baltimore United Fire De-
partment, incorporated by this act, and all or any of the
said officers, agents or servants, in their discretion, to dis-