funds and property of the said corporation or entrusted to
them, to the benevolent purposes and object contemplated
CHAP. 187.
and authorized by this act; provided always, that the clear
net income of the property and invested funds of the said
corporation shall not exceed twenty thousand dollars per
annum without the further permission of the Legislature.
Estate limited
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That each fire company na-
med in this act, and each company that shall hereafter be-
come associated with them in the manner herein provided,
may annually, or oftener, at such time and in such manner
as each several fire company shall for themselves deter-
Each company 7
mine, appoint seven Delegates to represent the respective
companies, in the Convention of Delegates of the Baltimore
United Fire Department, any one or more of the members
composing each delegation in the absence of the others,
shall be competent to represent the company in the conven-
tion; each Delegate named in this act or hereafter appoint-
ed in the manner herein provided, shall be entitled to hold
his office until a new appointment shall be made; and all
vacancies occurring in any delegation may be filled by new
appointments made by the proper Five company; the evi-
dence of all which appointments shall be. a certificate by
the President and Secretary of the fire company by which
the appointment shall be made, and such certificate shall be
a revocation of all previous appointments made by the
same fire company, or for such company by this act.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the first named member
of the delegation, representing each fire company in the
Convention of Delegates as authorised by this act shall to-
gether constitute the Board of select Delegates of the Bal-
timore United Fire Department, a majority of whom when
met shall be a quorum, and competent to exercise such
powers and perform such duties in relation to the objects
contemplated by this act as may be authorised or required
by any by-laws, ordinances or resolutions of the convention
of Delegates aforesaid, made or passed from time to time
as provided by this act; and the said board of select delegates
shall meet in the first instance at such time and place in the
city of Baltimore, as the five first named of them in this
act, or any three of those five shall appoint and notify to
the other members of the Board; the President or presid-
ing officer of the Convention of Delegates shall be entitled
to oreside at the meetings of the Board of select Delegates,
Board of select
but the Board may appoint an officer to preside in his ab-
sence, and may appoint such other officers as they shall
Presiding offices;