miss for such cause as they shall deem sufficient, and to
compensate as they may deem reasonable, and to pass all
such by-laws as shall be proper and necessary lo exercise
fully and beneficially all the powers granted or authorised
by this act, and all by-laws passed by -them from time to
CHAP. 188.
time, to repeal, alter or renew; Provided always, that such
by-laws shall not be contrary to any law of this state or of
the United States, or ordinance of the city of Baltimore,
and that no by law shall be passed tending to control the
rights of fire companies to use their apparatus at a fire in
such manner as may be provided for by the constitutions of
tfie said companies; in deciding all questions in the con-
vention when it shall be required by the Delegates or a
majority of them, representing any fire company, the votes
shall be taken by delegations, a majority of the Delegates
or Delegste representing each fit e company to be entitled
to one vote, and the votes of a majoiity of the delegates
from all the fire companies associated as aforesaid, shall be
necessary to pass, alter or repeal any by-laws, or to appoint
or remove any officer of the corporation.
Method of voting
An act to Incorporate the Transquakin Company in Dor~
Chester county.
Passed Mar.11,18341
SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Joseph E. Muse, Peter Lecompte, Hooper
Rawleigh, Elijah Hurst, James B. Steele, John H. Hoo-
per, John Vincent, Stevens W. Woolford and Lewis Ross.
or any three of them who may consent to act, be, and they
are hereby appointed commissioners, who shall cause
books to be opened at such times and places, as they may
deem advisable, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions
to the capital stock of the company, to be incorporated by
the provisions of this act; notice having been given, as
said commissioners or any three of them may deem proper,
of the time and place of opening said books, and continue
the same open from time to time, so long and often as
they may find it necessary to complete such subscrip-
Commissioners to
open books
Sec. 2. And bel t enacted, That the capital stock of the
said company shall be ten thousand dollars, divided into
Capital stock—