point or points shall be reserved for a hearing in Bank, and
a verdict shall be rendered for the plaintiff pr plaintiffs, or
CHAP. 174
And a part reserved
for hearing
where a motion for new trial shall be made, a judgment
shall be entered accordingly, subject however to the right
of hearing upon such point or points, or motion for new
trial, and to the award of a new trial fay the court; and in
Motion for new tri-
the event of a new trial so awarded, said judgment shall
nevertheless remain to cover and secure to the extent
thereof any verdict for the plaintiff or plaintiffs or their
executors or administrators of such plaintiff or plaintiffs on
Judgment to re-
main and cover
any such new trial; the court increasing or reducing, or
otherwise altering such judgment to conform to the verdict
upon such new trial; and such judgment shall stand and be
effectual to all intents and purposes as from the date there-
of, and be vacated only on a verdict rendered for the de-
fendant or defendants on a new trial, except only that un-
til final verdict in the cause, no execution may issue on such
judgment; it being hereby further provided, that the pro-
visions of this sectian shall apply to all trials successively,
that shall take place in said cause until final verdict afore-
Conform to new
An act relating to Hamburg street, in the city of Baltimore.
Passed Mar. 11,1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore be and
they are hereby authorised to reduce the width of Hamburg
street, in said city, to fifty feet, from Charles street, past-
wardly, to such extent as they may deem most advisable.
Authority to reduce
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That before the said Mayor
and City Council pass any ordinance on this subject, they
shall first cause an advertisement to be inserted for one
week in all of the daily newspapers in said city, (the ex-
pense of which to be paid by the party or parties applying
for said ordinance,) setting forth the application and noti-
fying all persons interested to make their objections, if
they have any to the passage of said ordinance, on or be-
fore some day to be mentioned in said advertisement.
Notice required