CHAP. 175.
Passed Mar. 11, 1834
An act to revive and amend the act entitled, an act to provide
for the appointment of commissioners for the regulation
and improvement of the town of Cumberland, in Allegany
county, and to incorporate the same.
Act of 1813, chapter
136, revived
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the act entitled, an act to provide for the
appointment of commissioners, for the regulation and im-
provement of the town of Cumberland, in Allegany county,
end to incorporate the same, which passed it December
session, eighteen hundred and fifteen, chapter one hundred
and thirty-six, be and the same is hereby revived "and de-
clared to be in full iorce, except so far as the said act is
amended or changed by this act.
Election of Council
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That seven wise, judicious
and discreet persons, residing in the town of Cumberland,
and holding real property therein al least to the value of
five hundred dollars, as valued in the county assessment,
shall be elected by ballot on the first Monday in May next,
and on the same day in every year thereafter, at the court
house in said town, by (he free white male citizens of the
age of twenty-one years, and having resided in said town
one whole year next preceding the day of election, and the
seven persons who shall appear to have the greatest num-
ber of legal votes at the close of the election, shall be de-
clared duly elected councilmen of said town.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the said councilmen after
their election, shall meet at the court house in the town of
Cumberland, on the first Monday of June next, and on the
first Monday of June forever thereafter, and by a majority
of them shall elect from among themselves one of their
Elect Mayor
members to be the Mayor of said town, who shall have
and possess real property in said town at the time of his
His qualifications
election to the value of one thousand dollars, as allied in
the county assessment, at the least, and who shall, in vir-
tue of said election, art as such for one year, and until
superseded by the election of some ether person in his
place; and the Mayor and Councilmen thus elected shall
have and possess all the powers, rights and privileges, as
are vested in the chief Burgess and commissioners by the
act revived by this act; and the said Mayor and Council-