CHAP. 173.
Power of appoint
ing trustees
of the deaths of defendants, and in their place summoning
and making defendants their executors or administrators.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the power of Baltimore
county court to appoint a Trustee or Trustees, in place of
a permanent Trustee or Trustees granted in the said third
section of said act of December session, eighteen hundred
and thirty-two, chapter two hundred and three, shall be con-
strued to extend to, and the provisions of said section shall
be taken to embrace all cases of petitions for or with a
view to such appointment, filed or pending before the pas-
sage of said act.
New trustees em-
Sec. 6. And be if enacted, That it shall be lawful for
such new Trustee or Trustees aforesaid, to put in suit and
recover for the use of the creditors of the insolvent debtor
upon any bond executed by such former Trustee or Trus-
tees for the discharge of his trust upon any claim for mo-
nies or property received by such former Trustee or Trus-
tees, and not distributed among such creditors.
Baltimore Count
Court may re-
ceive bond of
Trustees, &c.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That it shall be lawful and
competent for Baltimore county court to receive and ap-
prove any bond with surety, for faithful performance
of his trust, of any permanent trustee of an insolvent debtor
of the city or county of Baltimore, notwithstanding such
Trustee shall have been appointed by the said commission-
ers of insolvent debtors; and such bond so received and ap-
proved shall have the same effect as if received and appro-
ved by said commissioners, and may be filed in Baltimore
county court if the proceedings or such insolvent debtor's
case shall have been returned to the said court, or other-
wise, in the office and among the proceedings of said com-
Fee payable on
Sec. 8. And be it enacted, That for the services of the
elerk of Baltimore county coutt, in docketing, entering and
recording so far as is prescribed by law, the papers and
Payment over
proceedings, in the cases of insolvent debtors when return-
ed to Baltimore county court by baid commissioners of in-
solvent debtors, there shall be paid to said commissioners
the sura of one dollar by each insolvent debtor of the city
or county of Baltimore upon presenting his petition for the
benefit of the insolvent laws; which sum the said commis-
sioners, shall pay over to said clerk; provided, however that
said commissioners may dispense with the payment of said
fee where they shall be satisfied of the inability of such
debtor to pay the same.
In case of trial
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That whenever on trial of any
cause on the city docket of Baltimore county court, any