CHAP. 15.
sed for the relief of insolvent debtors; Provided, the said
Thomas Gowen shall in all respects, (except that of prov-
ing residence, ) comply with the requisitions of said acts
of Assembly, and also to satisfy the said commissioners
that he did not come into this state with the view of ob-
taining the benefit of the insolvent laws; and provided
also, that the said Thomas Gowen shall be compelled to
file his petition for the benefit of the said insolvent laws,
previous to his discharge from custody.
Passed Jan, 20, 1834
An act concerning Guardians and Wards.
Cue in which Ex.
ecutors, &c. au-
thorised to pay
over to guardians
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That where any infant is or shall be entitled to
any legacy or distributive share of an estate or any person-
al property in the hands of an Executor or Administrator,
and a guardian for such infant has or shall have been ap-
pointed by any orphan's court of this state whose appoint-
ment however, has been or shall have been irregularly
made, or is or shall be liable to be revoked or declared
void for any cause whatsoever, but is not or shall not have
been revoked or declared void, any payment or delivery to
Payment valid
such guardian of such legacy, distributive share, or per-
sonal property by such Executor or Administrator shall
have the same force, validity, and effect as respects such
Executor or Administrator as if said guardian's appoint-
ment were regularly made, and not for any cause liable to
be revoked or declared void.
Liability of Guar-
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That every such guar-
dian, so receiving money or other property as aforesaid,
belonging to his or her ward, shall be liable to account for
the same, to be recovered by suit on his or her guardian
bend, or otherwise, as now provided for by law, in case of
guardians duly and regularly appointed.