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first section of this act, are hereby constituted Trustees,
with full power and authority to receive as Trustees, and
convey the title to the within property.
Confirmations re-
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the proceeding of the
commissioners to be appointed in virtue of the first section
of this act shall be of no force or effect until confirmed by
the Levy court of Worcester county.
Oath required
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners ap-
pointed in virtue of the first section of this act before they
proceed to execute the duties enjoined on them by this act,
shall first make oath before some person qualified to ad-
minister oaths in this state, that they will, well and truly
perform the duties required of them by this act of Assem-
Passed Mar. 8,1834
An additional Supplement to the act entitled, an act to pro-
vide Jor the appointment of Commissioners for the regu-
lation and improvement of Snow Hill, in Worcester
WHEREAS, it has been represented to this General As-
sembly by a petition of sundry citizens of Snow Hill, in
Worcester county, that by opening a street at some point
on Washington street, at or near its junction with Spence's
alley, and running north and castwardly parallel, or nearly
parallel with Market street, would be of utility to the pub-
lic, and of no serious injury to any one in the town —
Authority to open a
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the commissioners of the town be, and
they are hereby authorized at their discretion to make
public a street twenty-five feet wide, in Snow Hill Town,
leading from a point on Washington street, at or near its
junction with Spence's alley, running North and Eastward-
ly, parallel with Market street, and the said commissioners
or a majority of them are hereby authorized andt empow-
ered at their discretion to open the said street the width
aforesaid, and in that way which will be the least injurious
to the persons through whose lots the same may be opened;
Provided always, that the same street shall not be opened
through any person's yard, or garden, without his or her con-