drawn by this lottery, first, to the extinguishment of the
rem lining debt, incurred by them in building the school
house in said town; second, to finishing the house and
enclosing the "lot on which said school house is situated:
third, to purchasing a pair of globes and maps for the use
of said school; and if any money should remain, then the
said visitors are hereby authorised to apply said remainder
to the benefit of said institution generally, for the promotion
of the said school.
CHAP. 147.
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the corporate name of
the Visitors of the Public School in Middletown shall here-
after be the Trustees of the Middletown Academy, with all
the rights and immunities which belong to them under the
original act of incorporation, constituting them the Visi-
tors of the Public School in Middletown, as also all bene-
fits conferred on them under the provsions of this law.
Name changed
An act relating to the State Library.
Passed Feb. 28,1831
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the octagonal pari of the Hall of the State
House, be and the same is hereby authorised and directed
to be converted into a suitable apartment for the State Li-
Apartment appro-
brary, upon the present floor, and to be furnished find fitted
up for the, uses of the said Library; and that the said apart-
ment be constructed, furnished and fired up as aforesaid,
under the care and direction of the joint commitee of the
Library of the Senate, and the Home of Delegates, or a
majority thereof; and that when said apartment shall be
prepared as aforesaid, the State Librarian shall remove in-
to it all the books, maps, public documents and other pro-
perty now appertaining to the State Library.
How fitted up
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the Governor and Coun-
cil, be, and they are hereby authorised and directed upon
the certificates of the said joint committee or of a major-
ity of the members thereof; to draw on the Treasurer of
the Western shore, from time to time, for all such sums of
money as may be required for defraying the expense of
said construction, furnishing and fitting up aforesaid.