CHAP. 148.
Act of 1832, chap-
ter 279 repealed
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the act of December
session, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, chapter two hun-
dred and seventy-nine, entitled, a supplement to the act en-
titled, an act establishing a Library for the use of the Le-
gislature, be and the same is hereby repealed .
Passed Mar. 5, 1834
An act to Divorce Ann Maria Belmear, of Anne Arundel
county, from her husband, Absalom Belmear,
SECTION 3. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That Ann Maria Belmear, of Anne Arundel coun-
ty, be henceforth divorced from her husband Absalom
Belmear, and the marriage heretofore had and solemnized
between them is declared to be henceforth and forever null
and void, and they are hereby declared to be mutually re-
leased from all and every duty and obligation and benefit,
and advantage growing out and in consequence of the said
marriage, and the said Ann Maria Belmear is hereby de-
clared to be divorced a vinculo matrimonii.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Absalom Bel-
mear, having by his consent in writing, abandoned all
claim to any thing coming to said Ann Maria, by and
through her father, the said Absalom shall not derive any
benefit from any legacies of property, that may come into
the possession of the said Ann Maria Belmear, by or
through her father, or and property that she may accumu-
late hereafter.
Sec. 3. And it enacted, That the said Ann Maria Bel-
mear, be, and she is hereby declared to be entitled to the
custody and guardianship of her children by her present
marriage,during said children's minority, and that she, and
her said children, be and they are hereby authorised to re-
sume, take, use and be known by her maiden surname,