ary order of geological formations, and with the southern
division thereof, and progressing regularly with the course
of the waters of the Potomac and Chesapeake through that
region, and thence through the other subdivisions of the
CHAP. 138.
state, with as much expedition and despatch as may be
consistent with minuteness and accuracy, and he shall pre-
pare and lay before the Legislature at the commencement
of every session a detailed account of all remarkable dis-
coveries made and the progress of the work
Report requited
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That it shall further be the
duty of the geologist of the state, at those seasons not
suited to the active prosecution of the geological survey,
to analyze and ascertain the qualities and properties of all
specimens of mineral substances or soils left at his office
or residence for that purpose by any citizen of the state,
and taken from any portion of the territory of the state.
Duty to analyse.
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That il shall be the duty of the
topographical engineer to indicate upon the new map of
the state the localities of valuable mineral deposits already
known, or which may in the progress of the geological
survey be discovered, and as far as conveniently may be,
fo indicate also, by references to marginal notes or other-
wise, their several natures, qualities and values, and for
this purpose the geologist of the state shall keep him regu-
larly advised of all important discoveries which he may
make, and the material facts in relation thereto; and the
Geological discove-
ries to be noted
on. map
said engineer shall report to the Legislature at, the com-
mencement of every session the progress he shall have
made during the preceding year in the work assigned to
Report or engineer
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of fa-
cilitating and expediting the completion of the said map
and geological survey of the State, the Governor and
Council, be and they are hereby authorised to allow and
pay the accounts of said officers, for necessary conVingent
Contingent allows
expenses, other than personal; so far as they may deem
said accounts just, equitable and proper, to an amount not
exceeding one thousand dollars in any one year.
Limit $1000
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That the officers to be ap-
pointed under and by virtue of this act, shall be subject to
the orders ot the Executive of the State, to make any sur-
veys for canals, rail roads, or other works of internal im-
provement which the Legislature may at any time direct
to be> made; Provided nevertheless, That this act shall ex-
Those officers sub-
ject to other di-