CHAP. 138.
perty for any contract or engagments of said society, or for
any losses, deficiencies or failures of the corporate proper-
ty of said society; but the whole of the said corporate pro-
perty, together with all lights and credits belonging to said
society, shall at all times be answerable for the debts of
the said sociefy.
Passed Feb. 25, 1834
An act to provide for making a new and complete map and
a geological survey of this state.
Annual appoint-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That the Governor and Council be and they are
hereby authorised and required annually hereafter to ap-
point and commission a person of talents, integrity and
Topographical en
suitable scientific attainments as topogiaphical engineer
for the State of Maryland; and also to appoint and com-
mission in like manner a competent and suitable person
as geologist, for the State of Maryland, and the said offi-
cers shall each receive in consideration of the faithful per-
formance of their respective duties, an annual salary of
two thousand dollars, to be paid as the salaries of the
other civil officers of the state are or may be directed to be
Duty of engineer
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the engineer to be appointed is aforesaid to proceed with
all due and reasonable diligence and care to collect the
necessary information, and make all the necessary surveys
and locations to enable him to make a perfect and com-
Survey and map
plete map of the state according to the plan and drawing
prepared and submitted to the exocutive of the state by
J. H. Alexander, Esq. under and in pursuance of a reso-
lution of the General Assembly, passed at December ses-
sion, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, and the said engi-
neer shall, as soon as conveniently he can, make perfect
and complete the said map.
Geological survey
Sec. 3 And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the geologist to be appointed as aforesaid, to make a com-
Directions as to
plete and minute geological survey of the whole state,
commencing with that portion which belongs to the terti-