Sec. 3. A«d be it enacted, That the acts of the com-
missioners and bailiff under the existing laws be hereby
confirmed, and that the bailiff be authorised to complete
his collections.
CHAP. 133
Of Baliff
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners so
elected, shall have full power to enact any by-laws they
Amhoiity granted
may deem necessary, without having them approbated by
a majority of the votes of said Milage; but that ai.y by-law
so made, may be repealed by a majority of said votes.
Contiolling au-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That all and every part of any
act of assembly heretofore passed lor the improvement
and regulation of said village, as is contrary to or incon-
sistent with the provisions of this supplement, be and the
same is hereby repealed.
R epeal
An act authorising the levy court of Kent county to levy a
sum of money on the assessable property of said coun-
ty to erect a bridge over the head waters of Langford's bay,
at or near Shawls mill.
Passed Mar. 4, 1834
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the Judges of the levy court of Kent county, be and they
are hereby empowered in their discretion to levy a sum of
money, not exceeding thiee hundred dollars for the erec-
tion of a bridge over the head waters of Langford's bay,
at or near Shaw's mill, on the public road leading from
Rock Hall to Chestertown, to be built of such materials
and of such construction as they in their judgements may
think best calculated to promote the public interest.
Levy of $300 au-
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That whenever such levy is
made by the levy court of said county, and a sufficient sum
of money raised to justify said court in their judgment to
proceed in the object contemplated by this act, it shall
and may be lawful for said court to agree upon and make
out a certain plan for the building said bridge so Soon as
the nature of the case will admit, and when so agreed upon
it shall be the duty of the said court to give public notice
in some newspaper published in said county, for proposals