CHAP. 7.
A supplement to the act, entitled, an act to lay out and open
a road in Montgomery and Frederick counties, passed at
December session eighteen hundred and thirty one, chapter
thirty nine.
Passed Jan. 20, 1834
WHEREAS, by the second section of the original act, to
which this is a supplement, it is enacted that the expence
of surveying and opening the road therein mentioned, shall
be paid by Frederick and Montgomery counties, in propor-
tion to the distance it. may pass through each county, —
AND WHEREAS, misconstructions have been placed upon
the meaning of said act: — Therefore,
SECTION 1. " Be it erected by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the second section of the original act, to
which this is a supplement, be and the same is hereby re-
2d Sec. repealed
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the expence of survey-
ing and opening that part of the said road in Frederick
county, shall be paid by Frederick county, and the expen-
ces of surveying and opening that part of the said road
in Montgomery county, shall be paid by Montgomery coun-
ty; and the Levy courts, or commissioners of said coun-
ties, as the case may be, are hereby authorised and requir-
ed on receiving from the commissioners an account on
oath, or affirmation of the said expences, including an al-
lowance of two dollars per day, to the commissioners for
their services, to levy the same on the assessable property
of said counties respectively, to be collected as other coun-
ty charges are now collected.
Apportionment —
payment authori-
An act to provide for the appointment of certain commission-
ers in Somerset county.
Passed Jan. 21, 1834
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That it shall be the duty of the justices of the levy court of
Somerset county, at their next meeting after the passage
of this act, or as soon thereafter as may be, to appoint
commissioners as required by the act of December session
Appointment di-