eighteen hundred and thirty-one, chapter thirty-three, con-
firmed by chapter five, December session thirty two, and
it shall be the duty of said commissioners to carry into ef-
fect the provisions of said acts as therein required of them
and their proceedings in that regard, being in conformity
to be said acts, shall be good and valid as if completed
within the time therein prescribed and limited.
Passed Jan. 20, 1834
An act to confirm an act, entitled, an act to provide for an
alteration in the constitution, so as to make certain altera-
tions and changes in several action districts in Allegany
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the act, entitled, an act to provide for an alteration in
the constitution, so as to make certain alterations and
changes in several election districts in Allegany county,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and thirty-
two, chapter two hundred and fifty two, be and the same
is hereby ratified and confirmed.
Passed Jan. 20, 1834
An act for the benefit of the Hagerstown Female Society, for
the instruction of the Poor.
Payment $60 an-
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the commissioners of Washington county, be, and are
hereby authorised and required to pay to the Managers of
the Hagerstown Female Society for the instruction of the
poor, the sum of sixty dollars annually, out of that portion
of the school fund now appropriated, and to be hereafter
appropriated to the Hagerstown district in said county.
Sec. 2 And be it further enacted, That the Managers
of said, society, he and are hereby required to execute
a bond with approved security to the said commissioners,
for the proper application of the funds thus put at their