CHAP. 79.
Fused Mar. 5, 1834
A further Supplement to the act, entitled, an act relating to
Sheriffs, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS, it is provided in a supplement to the act to
which this is a further supplement, passed at Deceniber
session, eighteen hundred and sixteen, chapter one hun-
dred and twenty-nine, that in case of the sale of negro
slaves, lands, or tenements made by and under any writ of
fieri facias or venditioni exponas, notice thereof by any
Sheriff, Coroner or Elizor, Constable or other officers,
shall be given by advertisement set up at least twenty days
before the day of gale at the Court House door of the coun-
ty, and other public places in the county in which the ne-
gro slaves, lands or tenements may be, and also published
for the same period of time previous to the day of sale in
some newspapers; provided, there be any printed in the
county where such sale may be made; AND WHEREAS,
doubts may arise whether such notice is not required by
the said supplement to be published in all the newspapers;
that may be printed in such county, however numerous, and
whether such notice if published in one newspaper only in
a county wherein more newspapers than one are printed,
is or would be a due and legal notice under the said sup-
plement — Therefore,
Legal notice pre-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Md.
ryland, That it is not, nor shall it be necessary for such no-
tice as aforesaid in any case whatsoever, to be published
in more newspapers, than one printed in the county where
such sale may be made; and that such notice when given
by advertisement set up for the time at the places, and in
the manner prescribed by said supplement, and published
in one newspaper, it any be printed in such county, shall
be to all intents and purposes, regular and legal; Provided,
that the Sheriff, Coroner or Elizor, Constable or oilier offi-
cers, shall in all other respects conform to the provisions
of said supplement.
Sales confirmed
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That all sales of negro slaves,
lands, or tenements heretofore made by any Sheriff, Coro-
ner or Elizor, Constable or other officers, under or by vir-
ture of any writ of fieri facias or venditioni exponas, or of
the act to which this is a further supplement and its several
supplements, in which notice thereof has been published in
one newspaper only, in the county where such sale has