provided it shall not exceed the sum of three thousand dollars
per annum, in addition to an allowance of five hundred dollars
per annum for traveling expenses ; the said Superintendent
of Public Education shall receive annually the sum of one thou-
sand dollars, or so much thereof as may be needed for the
purchase of stationery, office fixtures and supplies ; and he
shall cause to be printed and distributed to the public school
teachers of the counties of the State, each year, a pamphlet
for the proper observance of Arbor Day, a teacher's manual
Arbor Day.
of institute work, the proceedings of the Maryland State
Teachers' Association, and such other circulars and printed
matter as will encourage the work of public instruction and
promote its uniformity; provided, all bills for such expendi-
tures shall be approved by the State Board of Education ;
Clerk to State
and said Superintendent shall appoint a clerk, who shall also
act as clerk to the State Board of Education, and who shall
be paid a salary from the appropriations for public schools,
the amount of which salary shall be fixed by the State Board
of Education, provided it shall not exceed the sum of twelve
hundred dollars; provided further, that the office of said board
shall be the office of said Superintendent. And provided,
that the clerk to the said Superintendent of Education shall
not be employed as teacher or otherwise in any capacity in any
of the public or Normal Schools of this State.
17C. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Public
Education to inform himself and the State Board of Educa-
Duties of the
tion as to the condition of the public schools throughout the
State ; to diffuse information as to the best methods of instruc-
tion ; to receive and present to the State Board of Education
the reports of the various Boards of County School Commis-
sioners; to examine said county boards' statements of expendi-
tures of school funds, and submit his judgment on the same
to the State Board of Education ; to have authority to endorse
such Normal School diplomas from other States as he may
deem proper, and when so endorsed, they shall be legal
certificates to teach in any elementary public school in the
State, until revoked ; to arrange dates for teachers' institutes,
and assist the County Superintendent in the preparation of the
program for the county teachers' institute, and also attend
same when in session, when possible, and give instruction;
he shall devote his whole time to the duties of his office, and in
To devote his
whole time to
every way conserve the interests and promote the efficiency of
the work
the public schools of the State ; the State Superintendent shall
also be the secretary of the State Board of Education.