affirmation of office prescribed by the Constitution before the
County School Commissioners, County Superintendent, Clerk
to County School Board, or any other officer duly authorized
to administer oaths.
Location of
9. The office of the State Board of Education shall be in
10. The members of the board shall receive no salary, but
Board to be
their actual expenses incurred in attending the meeting of the
board shall be paid, and they are authorized to employ clerical
assistance when necessary ; the Treasurer of the State, upon
the warrant of the Comptroller, is hereby authorized to pay
the president of the board such amount, not exceeding two
thousand dollars per annum, as he shall show to be due for
the necessary expenses.
11. The State Board of Education shall, to the best of their
Duties of
State Board
ability, cause the provisions of this Article to be carried into
of Education.
effect, and may, if necessary, institute legal proceedings for
that purpose with the direction and advice of the Attorney
General ; they shall enact by-laws for the administration of the
Public School System not at variance with this Article, when
enacted and published shall have the force of law ; they shall
have the power to suspend or remove any county superinten-
dent who may be found inefficient or incompetent for the dis-
charge of duties assigned him, or guilty of such moral de-
linquency as unfits him for the office he holds; they shall
explain the true intent and meaning of the law, and they shall
decide without expense to the parties concerned all contro-
versies and disputes that arise under it, and their decision
shall be final.
16. The members of the State Board of Education shall
be e.x-officio trustees of the State Normal School.
17. All schools and colleges and all normal school depart-
To make an-
ments receiving State donations shall make a report on or
nual report.
before the fifteenth clay of September in each year of such
matters and in such form as the State Board of Education
shall require ; and said reports, or an abstract therefrom, shall
be published by the president of the board in his annual
17B. The Superintendent of Public Education shall receive
a salary from said appropriations for public schools, the amount
dent of Pub-
lic Education.
of which salary shall be fixed by the State Board of Education,