May, next ensuing, six persons, at least two of whom shall
be from the political party which at the last preceding elec-
tion for Governor received next to the highest number of
votes, said minoritv representation of at least two members
as aforesaid to be continued thereafter, to be members of the
State Board of Education, two of whom shall hold office
for a term of four years from the first Monday in Mav next
succeeding their appointment and until their successors shall
qualify ; the Governor shall, at the time of making said ap-
pointment, designate the term of years of each of said mem-
bers when first appointed under this Article ; the term of office
of said members, after the expiration of the term for which
first appointed, shall be a term of six years, and to take the
places of the members of said board whose terms of office
shall so expire, the Governor shall, every two years after the
passage of this Act. before the first Monday in May in such
years, appoint two persons as members of said board to serve
for terms of six years from the first Monday in May next
succeeding- their appointment and until their successors shall
qualify: said persons shall be of high character, integrity and
capacity; these six members, together with the Governor and
the State Superintendent of Public Education, shall consti-
tute the State Board of Education, but principals of the State
Ex-officio hon-
Normal Schools and of the Normal Department of any School
orary mem-
or college under the control of the State Board of Education
whose certificates are recognized by it shall be ex-officio hon-
orary members of this board, but with no vote. In case of
a vacancy bv death, resignation, disqualification or otherwise.
the Governor shall fill such vacancies.
7. The Board of District School Trustees shall be composed
of three persons, residents of the school district and county
District school
where said school may be located, who shall be appointed
by the County School Commissioners on the first day of May,
or at their first meeting thereafter, which must be held dur-
ing the month of May. in each year, and who shall meet within
thirty days after their appointment and enter upon the duties
assigned them in Chapter 5 of this Article ; at their first meet-
ing they shall appoint a chairman and shall give notice of their
appointment to the secretary of the Board of County School
Commissioners; when the trustees appoint a principal teacher,
and the appointment shall be confirmed by the Board of
County School Commissioners, the said principal teacher shall
be ex-officio secretary of the Board of District Trustees; Dis-
trict School Trustees shall take and subscribe the oath or
To take oath
of office.