SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said company is authorized
Empowered to
build and
and empowered to construct, maintain and operate a railway
maintain a
within the limits of said county, with the necessary and proper
switches, turnouts, and any and all mechanical contrivances,
devices and appliances suitable to operate either a single or
double-track railway, and to run thereon cars and carriages
for both freight and passenger traffic, drawn or propelled by
steam, electric or other motive power ; and said company shall
have power to charge such reasonable rates for transportation
of passengers and freight on such railway, and any and all
General powers
branches thereof, as the board of directors may from time to
time determine ; and said corporation shall also have the power
and right to acquire, hold, manage, sell, grant, assign, con-
vey or otherwise dispose of and deal in real estate and per-
sonal property of any description whatsoever, and to engage
in any manufacturing, mercantile, commercial or other busi-
ness or enterprise, and to acquire, own, open, maintain, equip
and operate mines and quarries in said county, and sell and
dispose of the product or products therefrom.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That said company may enter
May enter
upon and use
upon, grade, occupy and use any public road, street, bridge or
roads, streets,
highway in said county, or any village or incorporated town
or city therein, for the purpose aforesaid ; so, however, as not
to prevent the free and convenient travel over such public
road, street, bridge or highway by any citizen, having first ob-
tained the consent of the County Commissioners or of the au-
thorities of such incorporated town or city, as the case may be ;
and the said company is hereby authorized and empowered
to acquire such rights of way for the use of lands as it may
find needful or convenient and advantageous to the construc-
tion and operation of such railway lines, electric plants or quar-
ries, by purchase, gift or grant, and for the purpose of obtain-
ing such rights of way as may be needed for the proper con-
struction of such railway line or lines ; when said company can-
not agree with the owner, or where the owner is few we covert,
under age or non compos mentis, or under other legal dis-
Right of con-
ability, or out of said county when said property may be
needed, said company may proceed to condemn and acquire the
use thereof in the manner provided in Article 23 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
Capital stock.
company shall be ten thousand dollars, to be divided into one
hundred shares of the par value of one hundred dollars each,
with the privilege of increasing the capital stock from time to