by that name shall be known in law and shall have perpetual
succession, may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, de-
fend and be defended in all courts, whether in law or in equity ;
to have and use a common seal, and alter and renew the same at
pleasure; and otherwise, in all things to do, execute and per-
form whatever any corporation or individual may, can or
might lawfully do, execute and perform; and make by-laws,
rules and regulations consistent with the existing laws of the
By-laws, etc.
State of Maryland for the government of all under its au-
thority, the management of its estates and properties and the
due and orderly conduct of its affairs.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That said company is hereby
authorized and empowered to supply the public, including in-
dividuals, municipalities and corporations, within the limits
Right to sup-
ply public
with electric
of Harford County, electric current for heating, lighting, driv-
ing machinery, or for any other purpose whatsoever, for which
such current can or may be used ; and to fix, charge and collect
and receive rates and tolls therefor; and for the purpose of
enabling the company to supply such power as aforesaid, said
company is hereby authorized and empowered to purchase,
acquire, hold and own real estate, water rights (excepting
the water rights of the Susquehanna river in said county)
and rights of way, and to locate, acquire, construct, equip,
maintain and operate such suitable plant or plants as may be
required, and to increase and enlarge the same as may be
necessary ; and to locate, acquire, construct, equip, maintain
and operate by the most practicable routes, to be determined
by the board of directors of said company, lines for the trans-
mission of power by wires on poles or underground, or by
cables, or any or all other convenient appliances for power
transmission, to any and all points in Harford County; and to
furnish such quantities of electric light, electric heat and elec-
tric power as may be desired or required at any point in said
county ; and to contract tor and Furnish electricity for light
for lighting streets, roads, public highways and public or pri-
vate buildings in said county, and for motive power and other
purposes; and said corporation is hereby authorized and em-
powered, by and with the consent of the authorities of any
city or town in said county, to lay, purchase, construct or build
lines, conductors, conduits, and erect poles and string wires
along, upon, under or over the public highways, roadways and
streets wheresoever located in such town or city; and may
To acquire
acquire, own and hold all lands and property necessary for the
land for their
uses, business and purposes of said company.