more City, and to be made to the basin or harbor of the City
of Baltimore lying within said Burnt District, and for other
purposes ; and
WHEREAS, The said Act failed to appoint, designate of em-
Act failed to
power any person or persons with authority on behalf of the
proper au-
State of Maryland to sell, lease or otherwise dispose of to the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore any property, or interest
therein, belonging to the State of Maryland, and lying within
the said Burnt District, or any part thereof, that might be
necessary and requisite in order to carry out the improvements,
extensions and additions above mentioned, in reference to the
streets, lanes and alleys of the City of Baltimore, and the pub-
lic wharves, docks, harbor and basin of the City of Baltimore.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Governor et al
land, That the Governor, Comptroller of the Treasury and
empowered to
the Treasurer, or a majority of them, are hereby authorized
and empowered to sell, grant, assign, convey or lease any of the
property, or any interest therein, belonging to the State of
Maryland situated in the Burnt District, as defined in said Act,
and lying south of Pratt street and east of Light street, to the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, upon such terms and at
such price or prices as shall be agreed upon between said State
officials, or a majority of them, and the Burnt District Com-
mission, and to execute, acknowledge and deliver, for and on
behalf of the State of Maryland, all the necessary deeds and
conveyances therefor.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 12, 1904.
AN ACT to incoroporate "The Glencove Power, Manufactur-
ing and Supply Company of Harford County."
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
The Glencove
land, That Charles A. Andrew. Daniel H. Carroll of P., James
Power, Man-
T. Jones, Harry I. Rowe and Charles H. McComas, all of
and Supply
Harford County, in the State of Maryland, and their asso-
Company of
ciates and successors, be and they are hereby created, consti-
tuted, incorporated and declared to be a body politic and cor-
porate under the name and style of "The Glencove Power,
Manufacturing and Supply Company of Harford County," and