of twenty-five and seventy years, to be selected by the said
jury commissioners with special reference to the intelligence,
sobriety and integrity of such persons and without the least
reference to their political opinions ; such persons so selected
as jurors shall all be taxpayers and be able to read and write
the English language, and of the names of such persons so
selected a list shall be made and a copy of such list transmitted
by such jury commissioners under their hands and seals to the
Judges of the Circuit Court for Prince George's County, which
list shall be signed by said Judges, or by one of them receiving
the same, to be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of
Prince George's County, so by him preserved as other pro-
ceedings of the court are preserved. And the said jury com-
missioners shall each of them receive a per diem of five dollars
for each clay they are actually engaged in the performance of
per diem.
the duties hereby imposed upon them, said compensation to be
paid by the County Commissioners of Prince George's County
upon an order signed by one of the Judges of the Circuit Court
for that county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That Section 178 of Article 17
of the Code of Public Local Laws be and the same is hereby
section re-
repealed and re-enacted so as to read as follows :
178. When the list of names selected as above prescribed
in Section 177A of said Article, is made and certified to the
Drawing jury.
Judge or Judges of the Circuit Court, the said Judge or
Judges in the presence of the members of the bar and such
other persons as may think proper to be present, shall cause
all the names selected and placed on the list to be legibly writ-
ten upon ballots, which shall be of equal size and of the same
color and appearance, and shall be closely rolled or folded and
placed by the said Judge with his own hands, immediately be-
fore the drawing provided for by law, into a cubiform box,
with a sliding top,of the square of eight inches, to be procured
for that purpose by the Clerk of said court under direction of
said Judges, and after so depositing said ballots the said box
shall be closed, and the said Judge shall then cause the Clerk
or one of his deputies, whom the said Judge shall designate,
neither the one or the other who may be so required to act
to be present at the writing, rolling and folding and depositing
said ballots into the box, as herein directed, to appear before
him, and then and there, in the presence of the said Judge and
such other persons as may choose to be present, after well and
thoroughly shaking said box so that the ballots be well mixed,
to draw from said box through such an opening or aperture