made by moving the sliding top thereof as will only conveni-
ently admit the hand, and without in any manner looking into
said box, one by one, seventy-three of said ballots. And the
names appearing on said ballots as drawn shall be duly re-
corded by the said Judge, or by the Clerk in his presence and
under his direction, in the order in which they shall be drawn.
To summon
And thereupon, forthwith, the said Judge shall order a venire
as jurors.
facias, directed to the sheriff of said county, commanding him
to summon as jurors to attend at the next ensuing term of said
court the several persons whose names may be drawn as afore-
said; and if any such persons whose names are so drawn and
embraced in said venire facias shall be dead, sick or otherwise
unable to attend or shall be absent and therefore not to be
found, it shall be the duty of the sheriff forthwith to return the
fact of such death, disability or absence, and the said Judge
shall thereupon cause to be drawn from said box in the man-
ner hereinbefore directed other names in the place and stead
of the original who may be dead, disabled or absent, and shall
cause the names of such persons so as last aforesaid drawn to
Sheriff to
be inserted in the said venire facias to be summoned as afore-
make return.
said, and it shall be the duty of the sheriff to summon the
persons named in said venire facias and make return thereof
to said court at the opening of its session.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1904.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Ocean City to borrow five thousand dollars and to is-
sue coupon bonds therefor.
WHEREAS, By the provisions of Chapter 528 of the Acts of
Bonds for pro-
viding a water
the General Assembly of Maryland passed at its January Ses-
system at
sion, 1898, the Mayor and City Council of Ocean City are au-
Ocean City.
thorized in their discretion to borrow upon the credit of the
city of Ocean City an amount not exceeding the sum of thirty
thousand dollars and to issue coupon bonds therefor, as in said
Act directed, said money to be used "for the purpose of pro-
viding a water supply for the protection of Ocean City against
fire, and for the use of the residents of said city, and for the
further purpose of providing a sewerage system for said city
and for other purposes;" and