three-fourths vote at any annual meeting of stockholders de-
crease the board of directors of said bank to any number they
may decide; provided, that said board of directors shall not
at any time be less than six in number.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of said
Queenstown Savings Bank of Queen Anne's County shall be ten
Capital stock.
thousand dollars, to consist of two. hundred shares of the par
value of fifty dollars each; but said capital stock may be in-
creased from time to time at such meetings of the stockholders
of said bank as may be called for such purpose by a three-
fourths vote of the shares of stock of the said bank to
an amount not exceeding seventy-five thousand dollars.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the directors of the said
Queenstown Savings Bank of Queen Anne's County may pay 1
nterest on
out of the net profits of the business of said bank such interest
on stockholders' transient deposits in said bank and such divi-
dends on the capital stock of said bank to the stockholders of said
bank as will not impair the capital of the said Queenstown Sav-
ings Bank of Queen Anne's County.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That said Queenstown Savings
Bank of Queen Anne's County shall have power to borrow
To transact a
general bank-
money and pay interest thereon not exceeding the legal rate,
ing business.
receive money on deposit on such conditions and subject to
such regulations as the board of directors of said bank may
deem sufficient, and to buy or discount notes or other commer-
cial paper, county scrip or obligations of the counties or cities
of this State, or public or private obligations of every descrip-
tion, and may, after purchasing, sell the same in such manner
and on such terms as the board of directors of said bank may
determine; may purchase and hold or sell real and personal
estate and property, and generally may do and transact a
general banking business,
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the said Queenstown Sav-
ings Bank of Queen Anne's County is authorized to receive de-
Authority to
receive de-
posits of money, checks and commercial paper from any in-
posits, etc.
dividual or administrator, committee, guardian, receiver, as-
signee, trustee or any public officer of Queen Anne's County
or elsewhere other than the County Treasurer of Queen Anne's
County, or from any person or persons, acting for others, or
others having the custody of moneys belonging to themselves
or others.