in default of such fine shall be imprisoned in the House of
Correction or county jail for a period of not less than twenty
7- It shall not be lawful for any person not a bona fide
resident or taxpayer of the county to shoot any partridge,
Gunners must
obtain license
pheasant, woodcock, jacksnipe, rabbit or squirrel in said
county without having first obtained from the Clerk of the
Circuit Court of said county a license permitting the person
therein named, whose photograph shall be attached thereto,
tu shoot said game in said county for one year from the date on
which such license was issued, and such license shall not be
transferable, and the person named therein or the party pro-
curing such license shall pay to said clerk therefor the sum
of five dollars and a clerk's fee of twenty-five cents, which
amount shall be paid to the State game warden, who shall
expend the sum so received as hereinafter provided. Any
non-resident violating the provisions of this section shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall pay a fine of ten dollars for each and every pheasant,
partridge, woodcock, jacksnipe, rabbit or squirrel taken.
shot, killed or had in possession contrary to the provisions of
this Act, and costs, and in default the offender shall be con-
fined to the House of Correction or comity jail for twenty days
or until the fine and costs are paid ; one-half to be paid to
the informer and the other half to the State game warden
to be expended by him as hereinafter provided ; and such
licensee shall have in his possession when gaining and exhibit
the same whenever called upon by any citizen of said county,
and upon refusal so to do shall be subjected to the fines and
penalties hereinbefore provided for non-compliance with the
provisions of this Act. License forms for the use as aforesaid
shall be furnisher! by the Clerk of the Circuit Court and issued
under his official seal; provided, that nothing in this section
shall be taken to prohibit the owners of land in said county
Owners of
from giving written permission to non-residents to hunt upon-
land may per-
mit non-resi-
their own lands in said county, which written permission shall
dents to gun
on their lands
be exhibited as above prescribed in the case of licenses issued
by the clerk of the court under the same penalties for refusal
to show the same.
8. Any owner who shall permit his dog or clogs to run at
large during the closed season and pursue or kill game or
Pertaining to
destroy the eggs, nests or young thereof, shall be deemed
dogs killing
guilty of a misdemeanor and be subject to a fine of five
dollars for each and every offense, one-half to go to the in-