former; or imprisonment in jail for five days, in the discretion
of the court or justice imposing the fine or sentence. Any
person who shall harbor or permit any dog to remain on or
about his premises shall be deemed the owner of such dog
for the purposes of this section.
9. All fees received by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
license, or by magistrates, or the court for fines, except the
portion thereof payable to the informer, shall be paid over to
the State game warden and be by him expended for the pro-
tection and increase of the game birds in said county ; provided,
that all fines that are recovered on the prosecution by the
State game warden or the deputy game wardens shall be
payable to him or them as provided by Section 8 of Chapter
293 of the Acts of 1896.
10. All game wardens and the State game warden are
Game Wardens
hereby empowered to make arrests without a warrant of any
empowered tc
person or person upon their seeing or knowing of any viola-
tion of any of the aforegoing sections and are hereby ex-
pressly exempted from any liability because of any arrest
he or they may make while in the performance of their
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 8, 1904.
AN ACT to provide water works for Delmar, Maryland, and
maintenance of the same.
SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Water works
land, That to provide water works for Delmar, Maryland, the
for Delmar,
Commissioners of Delmar are hereby authorized and directed
to borrow money on the credit of the Commissioners of Del-
mar, Maryland, as a body corporate, not to exceed ten thou-
sand dollars, and to issue coupon bonds in payment thereof,
the said bonds to be for even sums of five hundred dollars
each and to be of uniform amounts and be payable, principal
and interest, at the office of some banking institution in the
town of Delmar, Maryland, to be designated by said Commis-
sioners. The said bonds shall be of even date, and bearing
interest at the rate not exceeding five per cent, per annum,
payable annually ; the said bonds to be made payable in equal
series of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,