AN ACT to prevent swine running at large in that part of
District No. 10, or Straits, known as Precinct No. I, lying
on the west side of Fishing Bay in Dorchester County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That it shall not be lawful for swine of any kind to go at
swine run-
large without an attendant in that part of District No. 10, or
ning at large.
Straits, known as Precinct No. 1 of said district lying on the
west side of Fishing Bay in Dorchester County.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That it shall lawful for any per-
son and the duty of a constable to take up any swine running
at large and without attendants in that part of said District
Duty of con-
stable in
No. 10, or Straits, specified in this Act, and the person or con-
stable so taking up any swine shall impound the same, and if
taken up by a constable he shall give notice of said impounding
by advertisement in at least two public places by either written
or printed notice posted within that part of said districts
specified in this Act describing the swine so impounded ; and
he shall proceed to sell the said swine at public auction for
cash, after giving ten days' notice from the time of taking
up of said swine; provided, the owner shall have the return
of said swine on paying of all the expenses of keeping said
swine and all other costs, including fifty cents for taking up
of each of said swine.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if any person shall take up
any swine such person shall impound same and shall notify the
To impound
constable, who shall immediately proceed to give the notice
and make the sale in the same manner as provided in the
second section of this Act ; and the owner shall have the return
thereof on the said conditions as provided in that section ; and
for making a sale under this section the constable shall be
allowed the same commissions now allowed by law for the
sale of personal property under execution; this provision for
commission not to apply to sale of swine taken up by the con-
stable himself.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said constable thus au-
thorized to make sale of such swine, if not returned to the
owner as aforesaid shall, out of the moneys arising from such
Moneys aris-
sale first pay the person or persons taking up the swine and
the cost, charges and expenses incurred and damages sustained
ing from
sale of swine.
by the person or persons upon whose land said swine was tres-
passing; said damage to be ascertained upon the oath of two