AN ACT to incorporate the Wicomico Electric and Power
Company, and to declare its rights, privileges, powers and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Charles R. Disharoon, Thomas Perry, John W. P.
Insley, Isaac S. Bcnnett, Robert F. Walter, H. L. Brewington,
Ernest A. Toadvine, Jesse D. Price, Samuel A. Graham, Marion
A. Humphreys, William Jeff. Staton, William S. Gordy, Jr.,
and James T. Truitt, and their associates and successors, be
and they are hereby created, constituted and declared to be
a body corporate and politic under the name and style of
Electric and
Power Com-
"The Wicomico Electric and Power Company," and by that
name shall have perpetual succession.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said corporation, under
the above name and style, shall be capable in law to sue and
be sued, to plead and to be impleaded, and to complain and
to sue and be
defend at law or in equity, to have and use a common and
sued, etc.
corporate seal, and to alter and renew the same at pleasure,
and otherwise in all things to do, execute and perform what-
ever any corporation and body politic, or individual may, can
or might lawfully do, execute and perform within the scope
and for the objects and purposes of said corporation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That said corporation shall have
power to make, construct, lay down, equip and operate and
Power to con-
maintain a railway for the transportation of passengers and
struct rail-
road, etc.
freight, with double or single tracks, with necessary and proper
switches, turnouts, side tracks, offices and depots, and any
and all mechanical contrivances, devices and appliances, suit-
able to operate a railway and to run thereon cars and car-
riages drawn or propelled by steam, electric or other motor
power in Wicomico County, in the State of Maryland, from
Bivalve, a point on the Nanticoke river, on the west side of
said county, to the village of Willards, on the east side of said
county, with the further power and privilege of extending the
same to and through the different towns and villages along
said route or territory, and if the said corporation shall deem
it advisable and expedient, and also the further power and
authority to run such laterals or branches within said county,
as the Board of County Commissioners and Town Commis-
sioners of the various incorporated towns may permit, not
exceeding fifteen miles from the line of said railroad; and
said corporation shall have the power to charge such reasonable