its benefit, but the said directors may, in their discretion, remit
such forfeiture, or recover in the name of the company such
instalments by suit or action at law, or in any other way, and
upon such terms as they may deem proper. The directors
of said company are hereby fully authorized to make such
Preferred and
stock either preferred or common, and to issue mortgage
bonds, with or without coupons attached, in such amounts as
the directors may deem advisable for building, equipping and
maintaining the said road, its extensions and branches, and its
wharves, steamships, steamboats, tugs and barges, and it shall
also have power and authority to indorse or guarantee the
bonds of any other railroad or steamship or steamboat com-
pany, the said bonds to be made payable at such time and on
such terms as the directors may determine, and the said com-
pany shall have also the power and authority, through its
said directors, to mortgage the said railroad, its extensions
and branches, and also its wharves, steamships, steamboats,
tugs and barges, with all their personal and real estate fran-
chises, rights and privileges for the security and payment
of said mortgage, bonds and other obligations of said company,
Security and
but no such bonds shall be issued until the same shall have been
payment of
authorized by a resolution adopted by a majority of the stock-
holders of the company, at a regular or special meeting there-
of duly called.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That the said Baltimore and
Southwestern Railroad Company shall be authorized to lay
To operate
down tracks, either broad or narrow gauge, as its directors
trains by
steam or
may deem best, and to operate and run its trains and rolling
stock of every kind by the use of steam, electricity or any other
improved motive power the directors may adopt.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That the president and directors
of said company thus appointed, shall serve until their suc-
President and
cessors are duly elected at a general meeting of the stockholders
of the company, which meeting shall be called at any time upon
the written request of the holder or holders of a majority of
the stock of said company, and thereafter the directors shall
hold office for such term as may be fixed by said stockholders.
At said general meeting for electing directors, nine directors
shall be elected to manage the affairs of the company, which
directors shall have power to elect a president from among
their number, and at said election for directors, and at all
other elections by the stockholders of said company, each
shareholder shall have or be allowed one vote for every share
owned by him or her, and every stockholder shall vote either