them, and three judges thereof shall be designated and ap-
pointed by them ten days prior thereto, who shall appoint one
clerk, all of whom shall serve without pay ; and at said election
the polls shall be kept open from two o'clock P.M. to six o'clock
P.M., when they shall be closed, and the ballots publicly
counted, and the said judges shall, within two days after the
election, make a true and correct return of the same under
their hands, to be addressed and transmitted to the Mayor, who
shall convene the Common Council on the second Monday in
May after each election to receive the returns of the same.
SEC. 28. And be it enacted, That at such meeting the Mayor
and Common Council shall receive the returns and determine
election re-
all questions arising thereon, and certificates of election shall
forthwith be issued by the clerk to the persons appearing to
be elected as Mayor and Councilmen by having received the
highest number of votes, and the said certificate shall be re-
corded among the proceedings ; and if at any election it shall
appear from the returns of the judges of election that there has
been no election of any two or more persons voted for as Mayor
or Common Council by reason of a tie vote, disqualification or
any other cause, a new election shall be immediately proclaimed
by the Mayor to fill the vacancy, which election shall be held, on
ten days notice, and in all respects as aforesaid provided for
the regular elections.
SEC. 29. And be it enacted, That W. H. D. Warfield, W.
M. Chipley and E. M. Mellor be and they are hereby appointed
Judges of
judges of election to hold the first election under this Act on
the first Monday of May, 1904, between the hours of two and
six o'clock P.M. They may appoint a clerk, and ten days be-
fore the first Monday in May, 1904, they shall give notice that
the election will be held, designating the place which shall be
selected by them, at which election all persons qualified as
prescribed in this Act shall be entitled to vote for one person
for Mayor and six persons for Common Councilmen, and said
judges of election, before opening the polls, shall make oath
before some justice of the peace of said town to permit every
qualified person to vote, and none other; and a majority of the
said three judges shall have power to do all things under this
section in case one of them dies or refuses to act. At such elec-
tion each voter shall have written or printed on his ticket "For
incorporation" or "Against incorporation," and if a majority
of the qualified voters in said town shall vote in favor of in-
corporation, then the provisions of this Act shall take effect,
and the election thereunder shall be valid ; but if a majority of