said Mayor and the justices of the peace for Carroll County,
residents of the Fifth Election District of said county, are
hereby declared to be conservators of the peace of the town,
and it shall be their duty to order the arrest of any person
found by them breaking the peace or disturbing the quiet and
order of the town or violating any of the ordinances made by
the Mayor and Common Council ; and upon complaint being
made before any of said justices of the peace for Carroll County
of the violation of any ordinance of said town he shall issue
To issue
process, in the name of the Mayor and Common Council of
Sykesville, to recover the fine or penalty imposed for the vio-
lation of such ordinance against the party offending, and may
hear and determine the matter as any case arising under the
laws of the State, and shall receive the same fees therefor.
SEC. 24. And be it enacted. That the Commissioners for
Road tax to be
used for
Carroll and Howard Counties, justices of the peace, sheriffs,
streets, etc.
constables and all the county and State officers shall have, hold
and exercise their office and jurisdiction in said town; and the
Commissioners of Carroll and Howard Counties shall appro-
priate annually one-half of the amount of road tax levied or
imposed upon the assessable property within the corporate
limits of the town, within their respective counties, to the
Mayor and Common Council of Sykesville, and shall direct
and require the officer or person who shall collect such taxes
within said corporate limits to pay said taxes to the Mayor
and Common Council of said town, who shall use the same ex-
clusively for the improvements of the streets and roads within
the corporate limits of the town.
SEC. 25. And be it enacted, That all roads, highways, streets,
Supervision of
avenues and alleys in the corporate limits of Sykesville (ex-
cepting the joint bridge between Carroll and Howard Counties)
are hereby declared to be under the supervision and control
of the Mayor and Common Council.
SEC. 26. And be it enacted, That the style of all ordinances
Style of or-
shall be ''Be it enacted and ordained by the Mayor and Com-
mon Council of Sykesville," and all suits for violation of any
rules, ordinances, regulations and by-laws shall be instituted in
the name of the Mayor and Common Council of Sykesville
against the offending party or parties.
SEC. 27. And be it enacted, That all elections hereunder after
Election: how
the first election herein provided for shall be held at such places
as the Mayor and Common Council of Sykesville shall desig-
nate, after at least ten days' public notice of the same given by