from the town limits. Neither the Mayor nor any of the Coun-
cilmen shall during their term of office hold or be interested
in any office under the corporation, or be a party, directly or
indirectly, to any contract or undertakings entered into on the
part of said town.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council and all other officers of the corporation shall, before
Mayor and
Council to
they enter upon the duties of their office, make oath before a
make oath.
justice of the peace that they will diligently and faithfully, to
the best of their skill and judgment, perform the duties of
their office, and shall file a certificate thereof of the officer be-
fore whom the same was made among the records of the cor-
poration. The Mayor and Common Council may require any
of its officers to give bond in such penalty and with such surety
as they may deem necessary conditioned for the faithful per-
formance of their duties, and said bond shall be deposited in
the hands of the Mayor and Common Council. When any
officer wilfully fails to discharge his office, he may, in addi-
tion to the remedy of his bond, be dismissed by the Mayor and
Common Council, at their discretion.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Mayor and Coun-
cilmen elected hereunder shall meet on or before the third
Meetings of
Monday in May next succeeding their election, when they shall
qualify and meet as often thereafter as necessary to a proper
discharge of their official duties. They shall receive no pay
for their services, and in case of vacancy in either of these
offices by reason of death, refusal to act, disqualification, resig-
nation or removal beyond the corporate limits, the Mayor and
Council, or a majority of them, for the time being shall elect
a Mayor or Councilman from the citizens of the town to fill
said vacancy until his successor shall be elected at. the next
regular town election and shall have qualified.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council may annually appoint a clerk, treasure'r, bailiff, at-
torney, and such other town officials as they may deem neces-
sary, at such compensation as they may think proper.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Common
Council may provide by ordinance for the good government of
the town, for the preservation of the peace and order therein,
for govern-
ment of town.
and for securing to the residents of said town all rights of per-
son and property to which they are by law entitled ; for the
surveying, grading, paving, repaving, draining, laying out,
extending, opening, closing, straightening or re-locating any