SECTION I. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
of Sykesville,
land, That the citizens of the town of Sykesville, in Carroil and
Howard Counties, be and they are hereby created a body cor-
porate by the name of the "Mayor and Common Council of
Sykesville," with all the powers and privileges of a body politic
and corporate, and by such corporate name shall have perpetual
succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court
of law or equity ; may have and use a common seal ; may pur-
chase and hold real, personal and mixed property, and sell and
dispose of same for the benefit of the town, and may erect or
lease suitable buildings for municipal purposes.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the limits of said town
Limits of said
shall be as follows : South 38 deg, west 2 perches from Spring-
field Hospital stone gatepost marked "Springfield" to begin-
ning of the first line running north 41 deg. west 14, pr. line 2
north 44 1/2 deg, west 72, pr. line 3 north 43 1/2 deg. east 30
pr, line 4 north 41 deg. west 35 2-5, pr. line 5 south 52 1/2 deg.
west 75 2-5, pr. to a stone; line 6 south 22 deg. west 105 2-5,
pr. line 7 south 16 deg. west 25, pr. to maple tree; line 8
south 10 1/2 deg. east 1814-5, pr. to cedar tree; line 9 south
50 deg. east 182 1/2, pr. to chestnut tree; line 10 north 54 1/2
deg. east 85, pr. to black oak tree ; line n north 70 1/2 cleg, east
12; pr. line 12 north 74 deg. east 31 3-5, pr. to rock marked
"X ;" line 13 north 2 deg. cast 318; pr. line 14 north 73 1/2
deg. west 642-3, pr. to hickory tree; line 15 north 69 1/2 deg.
west 18 2-25, pr. to beginning of first line.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted. That the male citizens of said
of voters.
town of the age of twenty-one years or upwards, who shall pos-
sess the qualifications of legally registered voters of this State,
and who shall have resided in said town for the space of six
months next preceding the first Tuesday in May, 1904, shall
elect on that day and each year thereafter, at such place as
shall he selected for the holding of the election, one person, a
legal voter of said town, who has resided therein for two years
at least next preceding the election, to be Mayor of said town.
and six persons to be Common Councilmen of the said town,
who shall possess the same qualifications as the Mayor. No
person shall be eligible as Mayor or as Councilman of said
town unless he be an owner in fee simple of real estate in said
town in his name to the amount of at least five hundred dol-
lars, and shall so remain during his term of office ; and his
term of office shall terminate upon his removal of residence