tion of road, not less than one mile long, shall present a petition
to the County Commissioners of the county where such road,
Right of peti-
or section of road, may be situated, stating in said petition
the desire of said petitioners to have said road, or section there-
of, constructed or repaired under the provisions of this Act,
and stating further the willingness of such petitioners to pay
for the said construction or repairs, a sum equal to ten per
centum of the cost of such construction or repairs, it shall
be the duty of said Board of County Commissioners to make
such a request to the commission delegated by this Act, as set
forth in Section I hereof, upon the payment by the said peti-
tioners of said ten per centum, or the giving by them of an ap-
proved bond to the County Commissioners for the payment
thereof at any time it may be demanded by said County Com-
missioners upon the filing of a similar petition, and the taking
of similar proceedings regarding the extension of any road
which, in the opinion of said commission, has been properly
Extension of
improved, a similar request shall be made to the aforesaid
commission by the Board of County Commissioners of the
county where such extension lie, even though such proposed
extension be less than a mile in length.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if the said commission,
after the receipt of the notice mentioned in the first section,
Deciding road
a proper
or that mentioned in the second section of this Act, and due
one to be
examination, shall be of the opinion that the proposed con-
struction or repair of roads mentioned in such notice would
be generally promotive of the objects herein contemplated.
and that the said road or proposed road is a right and proper
one under the circumstances to be built or improved, and if
the amount appropiated by the State under Section 16 of this
Act and apportioned by Section 12 of this Act to the roads
of the county in which said proposed road or extension is
located shall be sufficient for the outlay necessary therefor,
the said commission shall make or cause to be made neces-
sary surveys, and draw up, or cause to be drawn up, plans
and specifications for the proposed work, and shall furnish an
Plans to be
drawn up.
estimate in detail of the cost of performing such work accord-
ing to such plans and specifications.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the specifications shall
require the construction and improvement, within a reason-
able time, of a macadamized or of a telford or of other stone
and other
road, or of a road constructed of gravel, or of other good
material, in such a manner that the same will be, with reason-
able repairs thereto, at all seasons of the year, firm, smooth
and convenient for travel.