SEC. 5. And be it enacted. That the Board of County Com-
To pay for
missioners so requesting plans and specifications of said com-
mission shall, on the order of the said commission, and within
one month of the receipt of said order, pay out of the funds
of the county such cost of surveying, mapping, calculating,
printing, etc., in the preparation of said plans and specifica-
tions and estimate as may be required by said commission ;
but no county shall be compelled to pay for such plans, speci-
fications and estimate, an amount greater than fifty dollars
per mile.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted. That after the receipt of such
Ten per cent,
of cost to be
plans and specifications and estimate bv the Board of County
Commissioners of any county in Maryland from said commis-
sion, said Board of County Commissioners, if they elect to
proceed further hereunder, or if ten per centum of the esti-
mated cost has been paid or secured as hereinbefore provided,
shall advertise for two consecutive weeks in at least one news-
paper published in such county, and also during the time of
such publication in such county newspaper, at least three
consecutive times in at least one newspaper published in Balti-
more City, for bids for such road building or improvement,
setting forth the place where such road is to he built or
improved, and giving a general description of said proposed
work, and stating that sealed proposals for the performance
of said proposed work in accordance with the plans and speci-
fications will be received until a day named in the advertise-
ment, provided that nothing in this section shall require the
County Commissioners of any county. upon the petition of
such persons agreeing to pay ten per centum to advertise for
work to be done under the provisions of this Act to an amount
greater than twenty-five per centum of the road levy of said
county; and the Board of County Commissioners shall furnish
a copy of the said specifications for such proposed work to
any prospective bidder who may request the same; and the
said J'oard shall reserve the right to reject any and all bids
and to do the work according to said plans and specifications
State of pay
by such arrangement as they may deem best, but under no
condition shall the amount to be paid by the State, under
the provisions of this Act, exceed one-half of the detailed
estimates furnished as hereinbefore provided.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That on the day stated in such
Lowest respon
advertisements, the proposals shall be publicly opened and
sible bidder.
read and the contract shall be awarded to the lowest re-
sponsible bidder, provided his bid does not exceed the amount