issued under previous Acts ; sewerage system to be constructed
on such plans as shall meet with the approval of the State
Board of Health.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That for the purpose of paying
To redeem old
for the cost of said system of water works and sewerage
bonds by is-
suing new
(and electric lights, if the amount appropriated be sufficiient,)
and said redemption of bonds previously issued, the Mayor
and Council of said town and their successors in office are
hereby authorized and empowered to issue bonds in the name
of the said municipal corporation to an amount not exceed-
ing the sum of fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, in denominations of one hundred dollars
each ; and each of said bonds shall be payable fifty years after
date, to bearer, redeemable, however, at the pleasure of said
Mayor and Council of Kensington and their successors, at any
time after the expiration of ten years from their respective
dates, and shall bear interest in the meantime at the rate of
not more than five per centum per annum, payable semi-an-
nually according to the tenor of the coupons for said interest,
to be attached to said bonds, and said bonds, together with
the said coupons, shall be signed by the Mayor and counter-
signed by the treasurer of said town, and the said bonds shall
Exempt from
be exempt from county and municipal taxation ; said bonds
shall have printed on them a distinct reference to the Act
of Assembly authorizing the issue thereof, and shall be regis-
tered by the said treasurer in a separate book to be specially
provided for that purpose.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the proceeds of the sale
Will pay off
of said bonds hereby authorized to be issued by the Mayor
bonds due
and to be-
and Council of the town of Kensington and their successors
come due.
in office shall be applied : First, to paying off all bonds now
due or to become due, issued under previous Acts of the As-
sembly, and the remainder, or so much thereof as may be
necessary, to construct the aforesaid water works and sewer-
age system of the said town of Kensington, as the Mayor and
Council thereof shall determine. If an electric lighting sys-
tem can be installed within the amount appropriated they
shall have the power to include this in their work of con-
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the Mayor and Council
Creating a
of the town of Kensington shall have power and authority,
sinking fund.
and are hereby required to annually levy all necessary taxes
on the property within the taxable limits of said corporation
for the payment of the interest on the bonds hereby authorized