to be issued, as well as for the payment of the said bonds
at maturity, and shall create a sinking fund for not less than
one thousand dollars for that purpose and levy the necessary
taxes therefor.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
Approval must
from the date of its approval by two-thirds of the real prop-
be made by a
erty owners of said town of Kensington who are residents
of said town, at an election to be held for such purpose after
three weeks' notice in some newspaper published in Mont-
gomery County.
Approved March 31, 1904.
AN ACT to incorporate the Cecil Farmers' Telephone Com-
pany of Cecil County, Maryland.
SECTION i. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
Cecil Farmers'
land, That Elwood Balderston, Alfred B. McVey, Morris
C. Reeder, Cecil E. Ewing, Jas. H. Maxwell, Joseph T. Grove,
Company of
Cecil County.
John P. Wilson, Alfred Kirk, Robert Cameron, Frank R.
Cherry. Robert K. Rawlings, Aaron S. Michner, Joseph S.
Scarborough, J. Harry Maxwell, Martin L. Thompson, J.
Harry Poist, or such of them as may accept the provisions of
this Act, their associates, successors and assigns, be incorpo-
rated and constitute a body corporate and politic under the
name and style of "The Cecil Farmers' Telephone Company of
Cecil County," and by that name shall have perpetual suc-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said company under the
Objects of the
above name and style, and by that name, shall be capable in
body corpo-
law of purchasing, holding, selling, leasing, and conveying
estates and property, real, personal and mixed, so far as may
be necessary to carry out the objects of the said body corporate,
to sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, in any court of
law or equity; to make, have and use a common seal, and the
same to change, alter and renew at their pleasure; to make
by-laws for the government of the said body corporate and
its officers; providing the same shall not conflict with the
Constitution or laws of the State or of the United States;
and generally to do and execute all and singular such acts,
matter and things as a corporation or body politic may and
can lawfully execute, and all such matters and things as may
be necessary to carry out the objects of said body corporate.