them; and the said qualified voters are authorized to elect,
on the second Monday in January, in the year 1905, at the time
and place of election of Mayor, four Commissioners for said
town, who shall have resided within the limits of the same
eighteen months next preceding the election, two of whom
ers' terms.
shall be elected for and serve a term of one year, and two of
whom shall be elected for and serve a term of two years ;
and thereafter on the expiration of the terms for which the
said Commissioners shall have been elected, there shall be
elected two Commissioners for the term of two years to suc-
ceed the Commissioners whose terms shall thus have respec-
tively expired, and the terms for which the said Commissioners
shall thereafter be elected shall be for the full term of two
years ; and the qualified voters are authorized to elect annu-
ally one person to serve as clerk for the Mayor and Commis-
Clerk to the
sioners of said town, provided that the person so elected shall
have the legal qualifications of a Commissioner therein ; and
the said Mayor and Commissioners, at their first meeting in
February after their election and qualification, shall elect, in
each year, one person to serve as bailiff of said town.
244. Said Commissioners, clerk and bailiff, shall qualify
Oath to be ad-
by taking and subscribing the following oath, to be adminis-
when quali-
tered by the Mayor or some justice of the peace in Allegany
County : "I, ............. do swear (or affirm) that I will
execute the office of Commissioner of Westernport, or clerk,
or bailiff, as the case may be, to the best of my ability without
favor, partiality or prejudice;" which oath shall be filed among
the records of the town. The Mayor and Commissioners shall
meet on the first Monday of February, in each year, and as
often thereafter as the business of the town may require,
but not less than once in every three months.
249. The Mayor and Commissioners shall have, during the
Limiting sum
month of March, power to levy an equal tax on the property
to be levied.
within the limits of said town to such an amount each year,
not exceeding the sum of forty cents on each one hundred
dollars worth of property as may be deemed necessary for
the government of said town, which said taxes so levied and
assessed shall be collected promptly by the bailiff of said town,
and by said bailiff paid over as collected at the end of each
and every month to the treasurer of said town, appointed by
said Mayor and Commissioners ; and the said bailiff shall have
the same power to distrain for said taxes as the collector of
public county taxes has to distrain for the same; and the said
Mayor and Commissioners shall fix the amount of bond rate