SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said bonds shall be sold
Bonds' matur-
by the County Commissioners of Howard County aforesaid,
to the highest bidder for cash, for not less than their par value,
and said bonds shall be exempted from county and municipal
taxation, and said bonds shall be issued to mature not earlier
than twenty years nor later than thirty years from the date
of their issue, in the discretion of the Board of County Com-
missioners, but said County Commissioners shall have the
power to redeem any of the said bonds after the expiration of
ten years.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the County Commissioners
To form a
of Howard County shall annually levy upon the assessable
sinking fund.
property of the district so petitioning, at the time of making
the county levy, such a sum of money as may be necessary
to pay the interest on said bonds, and to form a sufficient
sinking fund for the payment of the principal at the maturity
of said bonds, which shall be collected as other county taxes
are collected.
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the money arising by the
"Road Fund."
issuing and sale of said bonds, and the amount levied and
invested on account of the sinking fund aforesaid, together
with the interest arising- from such investment, shall be des-
ignated as the "Road Fund" of the district for which it is
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the proceeds arising from
Proceeds from
the sale of
the sale of the said bonds shall be applied to the building
and repairing of the county roads, bridges and culverts solely
in the district which petitioned the County Commissioners
for the issuing of the said bonds, and in no other district
and for no other purpose ; provided, however, that when any
road, bridge or culvert shall form the boundary between
districts the County Commissioners shall assign to each district
its portion of said road, bridge or culvert; and the said roads,
bridges and culverts shall be built or repaired under the
supervision of an engineer, which engineer shall be appointed
by the County Commissioners, and paid out of the funds
arising from the sale of said bonds.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted. That it shall be the duty of the
Duties of en-
said engineer to superintend the construction and repair of all
roads, bridges and culverts in their respective districts, he
shall submit to the County Commissioners specifications and
plans for the repairs or improvements of such roads, bridges
and culverts, including all work done or given out under
the contract ; but no engineer shall have any pecuniary interest