in any contract, and shall furnish no teams for any work
unless previously authorized in writing by the County Com-
missioners, and when the construction and repair of roads shall
not be given ont under a contract, the engineer shall employ
the necessary labor and teams to do the work required and
shall dispose of the same in such manner as will be most
economical and best for the public benefit; and all bills for
contracts and for labor and for materials supplied in the
roads, bridges and culverts shall be sworn to and approved
by the engineer before payment to the County Commissioners;
all roads so built or repaired shall be of stone, gravel or other
hard substance; and the said engineer shall give bond to
Roads to be
built of some
the County Commissioners to be by them approved, con-
bard sub-
ditioned for the faithful performance of his duty in the sum
of three thousand dollars.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That this Act shall take effect
from the date of its passage.
Approved April 1, 1904.
AN ACT to incorporate the Sudlersville Saving's Bank.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Joseph E. George, Benjamin L. Coppage, George
of the Sud-
I. Harrison, James E. Higman, Foster Sudler, J. Kirk Brown,
lersville Sav-
John E. George, Thomas J. Keating and Joseph Wallace, all
ings Bank.
citizens of the State of Maryland, and their associates, suc-
cessors and assigns, and all such other persons as may here-
after become stockholders in the company hereby formed and
incorporated, shall be and they are hereby constituted a body
corporate by the name of "The Sudlersville Savings Bank,"
and by that name shall have perpetual succession and be capa-
ble in law to hold and dispose of property, to sue and be sued
in any court of law or equity, to receive and make all checks,
transfers, contracts and conveyances whatsoever ; to have and
use a common seal, and to change the same, alter and renew
at pleasure; and generally to do every act or thing necessary
to carry into effect the provisions of this Act or to promote
the object or designs of said corporation.
SEC. 1. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of the said
corporation hereby created shall consist of one thousand shares
Capital stock.
of par value of ten dollars each, being ten thousand dol-
lars, and said corporation shall have the right to increase