AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
133B of Chapter 235 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland passed in 1898 for Queen Anne's County.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Section 133B of Chapter 235 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland passed in 1898 for Queen
Anne's County be and the same is hereby repealed and re-
enacted so as to read as follows :
133B. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer each year during
Duties of
Treasurer of
his term of office as soon as the annual levy is made to give
public notice thereof by advertisement inserted in two news-
papers printed and published in said county, and the taxes so
levied shall be due and payable on the first Monday of Septem-
ber of the year in which they are so levied. It shall be the duty
of said Treasurer, in the month of September of each year of
his term, to sit two days at the principal town in each election
district of said county, and in the months of October and No-
vember, one day in each of said towns in each election district
aforesaid, for the purpose of receiving taxes ; due notice of
each of said sittings shall be given by advertisement as herein-
before provided, and he shall report to the County Commis-
Report to be
sioners, at their first regular meeting in each month, the amount
of taxes, State and county, separately collected by him up to
the date of such report, and the amount of disbursements made,
and the balance in hand ; and he shall deposit at least once a
week in the two national banks in Centreville all taxes re-
ceived or collected by him up to the date of such deposits, the
portion due to the State to his credit as collector of State taxes
for said county, and the portion due to the county to his credit
as Treasurer of said county; and he shall, once a month, at
least from and after the first clay of October in each year while
in office deliver to the County Commissioners, to be forwarded
to the State Treasurer, his checks for the amount of State
taxes to his credit in said banks, and the money deposited by
him as Treasurer of Queen Anne's County shall only be drawn
out upon his check as such Treasurer, on warrants issued by
the Board of County Commissioners, drawn on him in payment
of debts, demands and accounts due by said county, duly ap-
proved and passed by said County Commissioners, and in mak-
ing such deposits and checking thereon, same shall be done so
that the average weekly balances remaining in each of said
banks shall be, as far as practicable, equal, and any taxpayer