plans as the Board of Directors of said company shall ap-
prove and by resolution prescribe, but the same shall be con-
structed and at all times be maintained with a pivot draw,
To have a pivot
having an opening of not less than one hundred feet in width
on each side of the pivotal pier for the passage of vessels, suit-
ably located to accommodate navigation of said Susquehanna
river, and so as to afford a clear space between the underside
of said draw and the waters of said river at mean high water
tide of not less than fifty feet ; the said draw shall be properly
lighted at night to permit the passage of vessels, and shall be
operated at all times by and at the expense of said railroad
company ; and there shall also be anchored a buoy a reasonable
distance from the end of the pier above, and one such also at
a reasonable distance from the pier below, as mooring buoys
to be used by vessels passing through said draw; the said
company shall keep a good and sufficient steam tug or tow
boat at the location of said bridge, and shall at all times during
the season of the open navigation of the Susquehanna river
keep the said tug or tow boat so as to enable any vessel or
vessels to get through or from said bridge ; and in case of ne-
glect or refusal of the officer or officers of said tug boat to tow
through or from said bridge any vessel or vessels that may re-
quire the aid of said tug or tow boat, that then the said com-
Tug-boats to
pany shall be liable for damage to the owner or owners, mas-
be used.
ter or masters of said vessel or vessels for every such deten-
tion in a sum not less than five nor more than twenty dollars,
to be recovered before any justice of the peace either in Har-
ford or Cecil Counties.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Philadelphia, Bal-
timore and Washington Railroad Company is hereby author-
To maintain
ized to construct, maintain and operate all such additional
tracks and lines of railroad as the directors of said company
may deem necessary for the purposes of the said railroad com-
pany, from a point at or near Oakington Station, on the present
line of the said railroad, to the Susquehanna river, in the
town of Havre de Grace, and from the Susquehanna river, in
the town of Perry ville,, to a point at or near Principio Station,
on the present line of the said railroad, and all such additional
tracks and lines of railroad as the directors of the said com-
pany may deem necessary for the purposes of the said railroad
company between a point on the Columbia and Port Deposit
Railroad at or near Frenchtown Station, on said railroad, and
any point or points on the main line of the railroad of the said
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Com-
pany as the same is now located, or may be located under the